Home Home Improvement Fight the Battle: DIY Renovations VS Expert Renovations!

Fight the Battle: DIY Renovations VS Expert Renovations!

9 min read

New home or renovations, a battle that has been going on for ages, is the battle of the mind and the heart! Too attached to your home? Too many memories? You want to just revamp and rejuvenate to continue creating memories there?! Well, renovation entails a lot of thoughts. Heart calls for DIY renovations, because of the thrill, and the accolades; but, the mind reasons and prefer professional help. Why? Because professionals have the skill set that you might lack. So, who wins the battle?

Remember, battles cannot be won by listening to the heart. A mind is the logical one, between the two, and takes better decisions, when it comes to winning battles. Find a reputed renovation company in Auckland and enjoy the perks yourself.

Why Does Mind (Professionals) win the Battle?

When you set about renovating the home or office, you will have various aspects to look after, like, ceilings, walls, and floors to name some. Apart from that, you also have so much to deal with; all the nuances of planning and execution — from purchasing the materials to keeping an eye on the budget.

It might seem an easy job, but believe us, it is definitely not! Still not sold on the idea of hiring professional help for renovations? Then, let the battle play out in front of your eyes.

The best way to see why the mind is winning this battle, you need to see the perks of both methods!

Pros of Professional Renovation Work:

  1.       Skill Set of Highest Level:

A professional has the training and the experience, which a novice might lack. Ask yourself, “How many renovations job have I completed successfully?” The answer will definitely help you understand the perks of a renovation company, which you could not possibly enjoy with a DIY project. The major USP of a professional is his/her skill set!

  1.       Experts at Efficient Completion of the Job:

Renovation jobs are the livelihood of professionals, they have their complete focus on your project. So, duh, they will complete the job efficiently and on the first go! No re-work needed! Can you guarantee that in a DIY project? Most probably not!

  1.       Supplies at Lower Rates:

Do you feel that the professional has just one task at hand? When you hire the professionals from an agency or company, they have different teams of professionals working on various projects. This means, they need to get supplies in bulk, which reduces the costs significantly.

On top of that, they know the best places to acquire top grade supplies at affordable rates, lowering the burden of material cost for you. What else do you want? You get a beautifully renovated property at affordable rates with the highest quality materials!

Pros of a DIY Renovation Work:

  1.       Save Money:

Huh! You really think that this is 100% true?! If you are a novice, then chances of messing up the job are high. Think about it,

  1. You have no idea about where to get the supplies at lower rates; neither do you know the number of supplies needed for the job.
  2. You could end up committing mistakes, which are irreparable and hence, you end up paying much more than the intended budget (remember all the re-work?).

Do you still feel that you will be able to save money?  Definitely not!

  1.    Opportunity to Learn New Skills:

You want to learn a new skill, take up dance classes or baking, or some other thing like that. The renovation is not a matter of joke! It takes years for professionals to complete their training and become experts. Do you really think all of that is possible in a matter of few weeks, maybe months?! What may happen, though, is that you might get over-confident and ruin your beautiful property!

We have laid out the bare truth in front of your eyes! Be the better judge, and let the mind win this battle. Try your hands on smaller projects, and let the professionals handle the more serious tasks. The professionals will work with you, and create for you, your dream house!  

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