Home Business Uses and Types of Roof Anchor Products as Fall Protection Systems

Uses and Types of Roof Anchor Products as Fall Protection Systems

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Have you ever checked out the report regarding the ultimate cause of the major deaths in the construction sites? If not, you will be shocked to know that the main cause of the workers’ death at the construction sites is due to sudden fall. Though the basic reason remains the same yet there are numbers of tragedies taking place due to mismanagement of the people working at heights. Roof anchor products are the viable options of fall protection systems.

The anchor product is the form of fall arrest system that prevents the workers to reach till the hazardous point. The roof anchor products are available in different types and features useful for different activities. These are generally metallic in structure and are used differently depending upon the materials used in the roof.

Here are the Lists of Different Roof Anchor Products

The two main or primary types of the anchors are:

  • Temporary Anchors:  The temporary anchorage is installed at the place where the workers would hardly go. This is the place or the point at which the installation time is much more than the actual work to do. When the work is related to short duration, temporary anchors are used.
  • Permanent Anchors: Permanent anchors are installed at such places where there is a regular movement of the workers and they regularly approach the place for some of the other work.

Different Places Where Generally Roof Anchor Products Are Used

As said earlier, the type of the roof anchor products varies with the location and the purpose of its use. Anchor products are not only available for the roof regions but also for the other regions as well. Have a look upon it.

  • Roof: Roof is the region where generally single point products are used. In cases of standing seam roof, anchors have utilized two ways which are also known as the roof clamp. Concrete material through are bit challenging yet there are options of swivels, bolt-on, drop through anchors and so on. In case of steel beams, the products used are rigging clamps, trolley anchors, cables and so on.
  • Windows and Doors: jamb anchors are used in the windows and doors which are composed of a self-retracing lifeline. Apart from this, the parapet is usually anchored using parapet anchor system. These are even reused and are also used as the fall arrest point. Next is the train rail anchor point system which keeps the workers safe while they are working on the high track bridge.

What are Most Considerable Factors related to Fall Arrest Anchors?

Here are few things to note down while choosing the appropriate roof anchor product.

  • Compatibility: The shape and size of the anchor should be compatible or fit to the hook with which it would be attached. As per the thumb rule, if snap hook does not pass through the anchor hole, it can overload and finally burst out.
  • Location of the Anchor: Location of the anchor is equally an important factor which should not be ignored. Installing anchors overhead is composed of two major reasons that is, when the anchor point is too high, the free fall is quite short and the other is that the overhead factor eliminates the pendulum effect of the anchors.

In the practical use, these factors are generally ignored by most of the workers and finally, they are the victims of fall accidents. Unless and until appropriate technical knowledge is possessed, it is a bit difficult to install different roof anchor products. Apart from this, viable training should be provided to the end users so that they can avail its benefits without any fuss. The anchors should be installed in such a way that it provides protection rather hindering you at the time of rescue.

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