Home Auto Insurance Know About Auto Insurance Non Owner Policy

Know About Auto Insurance Non Owner Policy

5 min read

When you have a non car owner’s insurance policy there are many things that you can do. For example, you can provide liability coverage in case one of your employees is using her or his personal vehicle for business purposes. However, it also needs to be said if you have vehicles or use them on rent or lease for business purposes it is better to list them on your commercial auto insurance plan. You can always look for cheap non owners car insurance on the internet.


These policies are mainly supposed to provide liability coverage to drivers who do not own a car.

Normally, you can buy these policies when you use a car for some purpose or the other on rent or on lease. These plans are especially helpful for people who rent or lease cars for personal purposes on a frequent basis. They would also come in handy in case you need liability insurance in order to retain your driver’s license. So, as you can see, there are plenty of uses of non owners policy car insurance. In case you need such coverage you can also get in touch with a licensed personal car insurance agent.


As has been said already, these policies can also be used to extent liability coverage that you have on your commercial policies to the vehicles that are owned by your employees and at times used for your business purposes as well. However, this usage should be occasional at best. The coverage in this case would only be applicable as long as the vehicle in question is not owned, contracted, or registered in your name. You can get non owner auto insurance quote from the internet. Now, you may be asking who is it that needs these policies?

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In case your employees use their car for the purpose of serving your business on an occasional basis you would need such a policy. It could be that they used their car to drive to the hardware store or in order to deliver an invoice. For more information on non vehicle owner car insurance please visit www.nodepositcarinsurance.com.

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