Home Autos How to Get a Good Grip over Learning to Wheelie on Your Dirt Bike?

How to Get a Good Grip over Learning to Wheelie on Your Dirt Bike?

12 min read
Dirt Bike Brake Lever

If you own a dirt bike, then you must have surely tried to pop a wheelie on it once. It not only makes you feel more confident about your bike riding skills but also makes you look great whenever you pop the perfect wheelie. Those who have done it multiple times keep on experimenting with some new moves, while the beginners are still stuck in getting that perfect wheelie once. If you are going to try a wheelie on a dirt bike for the first time, then make sure you follow some safety measures as you can easily fall on your back the moment you lose control of your dirt bike. You need to have a good grip on the motocross brake lever as it can prove to be your lifesaver if you used it at the right time.

Important Tips to Help You Get Started

The entire thing is based on your balancing skills as you will be putting the weight of an entire bike along with your body weight on a single wheel. You can use the hot start lever carefully while attempting a wheelie. If you are unable to achieve the perfect wheelie, then follow some tips given by the pro dirt bike riders and the wheelie experts that are sure to help you out.

  • If you are a beginner, then it’s better that you don’t attempt a wheelie on a two-stroke as it will be difficult for you to ascertain the power which can eventually lead to an accident. Once, you got the hold of a wheelie on a four-stroke then you can consider doing the same on a two-stroke.
  • You should try doing a wheelie while standing for the first time, as it allows you to have more control over the dirt bike.
  • When you are ready for the wheelie, just have a strong grip on your bike. Use both your legs to grip the bike tightly and then scoot back. Always use the motocross brake lever whenever you think you are losing control.
  • The clutch and the rear brake plays an important to the role while you wheelie. If you think the dirt bike is taking over and you need to bring the front wheel down on the ground then just give a light tap on the rear brake.
  • Beginners should always start from a stop position as it is safe for them. You should try going straight from a stopping point using the throttle and the gear. When you are doing this, just leave the clutch at once so that the front wheel can go up. You can use hot start lever for gearing up. Both brake levers and clutch levers play an important role during the entire process as they can save you from falling right on your back when used at the right time.
  • If you can maintain the right balance between your body and the bike, then there are more chances for you to get the perfect wheelie on the first attempt. You will require the right mix of both balance and throttle when the front wheel will go up to keep you safe.
  • Even if you don’t get the perfect wheelie in the first attempt, then it’s completely fine. It is an art that requires practice to achieve perfection.
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These are just some of the tips that the pro riders recommend to the beginners so that they can manage to get the right wheelie on the first attempt without hurting themselves. Every rider has different ways to practice and not everyone will be comfortable with the same set of tips. You can always experiment and also find out different ways that might work for you. But always make sure to give special importance to dirt bike brake lever as they are going to save you from a probable accident that might take place during your first attempt.

Be Cautious While Attempting Your First Wheelie

Apart from the pro wheelie tips, the expert riders also suggest some tips that can save you from a probable wheelie accident. Take a special note of these tips when trying your very first wheelie.

  • Don’t attempt to do it on a rugged surface as it will become difficult for you to make a balance over an undulated surface.
  • You have to sit back so that your body pressure can be removed the front end, but don’t get too much on the back side, as it might end up putting too much pressure on the back end and you may eventually fall.
  • Never lose contact with the clutch and brake levers, as when used at the right time they can save you from big uncertain events.
  • Try to start from a stop position and then run straight performing a wheelie. You should use a hot start lever to get the perfect start.
  • If you cannot handle heavy weight bike, then opt for a lower CC bike as you can easily perform a wheelie on it because of its lightweight. You can practice on lower CC bike till you master the art and then try it on the other dirt bikes.

Summing Up

If you’re not an expert rider, then wise action will be to first learn to ride with perfection, as afterward only you’ll be able to catch up good balancing skills for performing a wheelie. All these tips can surely leverage your efforts and help you in achieving the perfect wheelie.

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