Home Business 5 Ways On How You Can Make Your Company Stand Out From Others

5 Ways On How You Can Make Your Company Stand Out From Others

7 min read

For a company to attain a competitive advantage over others, it must be able to stand out from them. Most successful companies worldwide attribute their success to the ability to differentiate and have an identity that stands out of others. However, standing out from others is not an easy task leading to the common business statistic that about 50% of new businesses can last for five years and only 30% can see their 10th birthday. The ability to make a company stand out from others has been one of the main challenge company management and owners faces. This article will discuss five ways on how you can make your company stand out from others.

1. Offer extraordinary customer service 

How do you serve your customers? How do you treat your customers? The customer is the most important person to the existence of the business. Treat your customers like kings, treat them with royalty. By offering your customers with an extraordinary service, they get delighted. Delighted customers tend to not only do repeat purchase but also refer others to buy. The company can develop a culture that is centered on offering best customer service to customers and the delighted customers will be ambassadors of the company. 

2. Invest on a strong customer 

Other than just offer offering extraordinary service to customers at the selling point, the company can invest on creating a strong relationship with its customers. The company should be able to know its customers and interact with them often. This can be done by establishing a company blog and by social media. The company should make it easy too for its clients to communicate back. This can be done by ensuring it is listed in the business directory for quick access.

3. Be Creative and Innovative 

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Does the company products/services, price, promotional methods and distribution channels differ from what other companies offer or do? To stand out from the others, the company has to invest on creativity and innovation. Let the company products or services be differentiated from others in the market. Let the pricing strategy be different from others as well as promotional methods and distribution channels be creatively differentiated so that the company can have an edge over competition.

4. Be Honest to build customer trust

Does the company offer exactly what it promises the customers? For a company to stand out from the rest, it has to be honest to its customers by offering what it promises. It can further invest on guarantees to ensure customers trust is strongly built. In case of any customer complaint and pain, the company should be able to address it honestly.

5. Corporate social responsibility

The company operates in a community or society. Other than just ensuring that the company meets its responsibility to the core stakeholders i.e., the owners, employees and customers, it should give back to the society/community. Most successful companies have a corporate social responsibility program which helps the company have the community in mind. Corporate social responsibility improves the general company goodwill to customers and the community at large.

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