Home Business How to Close an Evenflo ExerSaucer Splash Mega?

How to Close an Evenflo ExerSaucer Splash Mega?

8 min read
Evenflo Exersaucer Triple Fun

ExerSaucer is the most famous brand of stationary toys researched, developed, produced and also sold by Evenflo. And Splash Mega Exersaucer has now one of best-selling Evenflo Exersaucer in the American Market, its ability to fold down easy and quickly for easy storage. The ExerSaucer Mega and also all of Evenflo ExerSaucer are ability to fold also makes it very easy to travel with. This Article will be guide you to fold your baby’s Evenflo ExerSaucer very simple. It’s important to learn the proper way to collapse the toy to make sure no damage is done by accident.

  1. Remove the tray of toys out of the Evenflo ExerSaucer Splash Mega. The Tray of toy is secured to the unit with Velcro strapping. Open the leather belt off.
  2. Locate each tab on the bottom of each ExerSaucer Mega’s leg. Push the tab down; this requires a light force. Repeat this for each leg of ExerSaucer Mega. The ExerSaucer legs will immediately be loose.
  3. Fold each leg of ExerSaucer Mega. Each ExerSaucer’s leg has a printed arrow that tell you how to push the loose leg. The ExerSaucer Mega will now lie flat.
  4. Locate the clips on the top of the unit that secure the toy together and then push each clip down. Now you can carry or store your baby’s ExerSaucer Mega to use later.

Evenflo Exersaucer Triple Fun Directions

Evenflo ExerSaucer Triple Fun is one of the most popular activity center from Evenfl, it’s designed to transform as the growing of the children, with 3 different heights changeable depending on the age of the baby, it’s useful for Child from birth to walking age, about 24 months of age. When the baby is not fully capable of holding up their own head, the Evenflo Exersaucer is partially combined into a play mat. When fully combined with the seat, the Evenflo ExerSaucer Triple Fun or called with other name “Evenflo 3 in 1 ExerSaucer”, is surrounded by a toys station and a lot of other hanging toys. Not the same with a baby walker, the Evenflo 3 in 1 ExerSaucer is mounted on an immovable base. The Evenflo 3 in 1 Exersaucer is designed for children from birth up to 24 months.

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Instructions for Evenflow 3 in 1 Exersaucer Directions

  1. Assemble the Evenflo 3 in 1 ExerSaucer to match your baby’s age and required height. The Exersaucer Triple Fun can be combined in 3 different stages; it’s depending on the baby’s age. The 1st stage is a playmate, is special designed for babies who can’t hold up their heads yet. The 2nd stage is a seat that the ExerSaucer is changed the height to meet your baby’s height and the 3rd stage is a stand-alone activity center with nearly 40 exciting toys.
  2. Put your child onto the playmate. A baby who cannot yet lift his head on his own can lie on his back on the play mat. An older child who can support himself can be placed in the center of the toy in the supportive chair. The Babies, The Children, who are comfortable on their feet should be placed in front of the Evenflo 3 in 1 Exersaucer so they can grasp onto the structure and support themselves
  3. Allow your baby to play with a lot of toys that are part of the Evenflo 3 in 1 Exersaucer. Although the Exersaucer is designed to stay in one place, you should never leave your baby unattended for long periods of time, especially when the baby is in the stage where he is not sitting in the confining chair and is using the Exersaucer as a stand-alone toy.
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