Home Business Rediscovering the Benefits of Email Support

Rediscovering the Benefits of Email Support

9 min read

In today’s realm of customer support, companies put a lot of stress and effort on improving their on-call customer experience. Proper emphasis is put on the timely and amiable attendance and response of their customer’s call. Besides voice calls, another high-interest area of interaction for the managers is the chat support system. Chat support ensures that the website visitor’s queries and issues are resolved in real-time. But in the midst of all of this, one channel of customer interaction is often observed to get neglected. It is the email.

From the customer’s perspective, email is the most preferred medium of communication. It has always proved to be an effective tool for multiple arrays of customer-centric functionalities. But most companies either take a long time to respond to their customer’s concerns or fail to deliver the accurate information via their reliable email support services. And such irregularities create a negative perception towards the company among its user-base as the customers feel neglected and under-valued.

Email services, if properly tapped into and utilized can have various advantages and written down below are a few of such benefits.

Easy accessibility

Emails are something that is adapted to be accessed on the move. These days, everybody with a smartphone has their email configured on their phone. And a majority of these users use the email function on their phones to read and send emails. It does not use a lot of internet data and being online it saves a lot of space. If a customer wants to urgently connect with the organization or business, he/she can easily do so through phones and tablets from anywhere in the world.

Attachment of files

There are some customer interactions that might require the user to attach files in certain scenarios. For instance, in claims processing the details of the transaction might be requested and in such cases, screenshots of the transaction can be sent via email. Another example would be if a customer wants to complain about the delivery of a damaged package, he or she can do so by attaching and sending the photo of the package in an email.

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People tend to give more importance to something that is written rather than something expressed verbally. When customers use email to send their queries and concern, they feel that their issues will be taken more seriously. And similarly, when they get a revert from the enterprise on the same, it fills them with a sense of satisfaction and bolsters their confidence that thoughtful resolutions will follow. It also acts as a written record in case of future disputes.


Perhaps the most intriguing factor for businesses about email support services would be how inexpensive it is. It can be easily integrated with an enterprise’s chat support and voice support channel. Due to its low set up cost, the return on investment (ROI) is usually high.

Customer surveys

Every business needs to perform surveys at some point in time. It is an important part of understanding the customers and their satisfaction level with the company. And emails are a great channel for conducting surveys. Surveys can be conducted by creating and transferring it to the designated URL. The link to the specific URL is then sent to the customers with an invitation from where they can access and participate in the survey. Unlike the voice channel, email is a non-intrusive method where customers can fill in the form as per their convenience.

Express and share detailed information

It is easier in an email for customers to describe in detail their issues and concerns. The details in an email can be written quite elaborately and accurately as the person gets more time to write with all the facts stated. While on the other hand describing an issue over the phone can prove to be a tedious task. The clarity of expression that email facilitates allows the agents to get a better grasp of the issue so that quick and timely resolutions can follow.

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