Business Small Business The Do’s and Don’ts of acquiring a Business visit visa from Pakistan Posted on June 5, 2018 12 min read 0 2,965 Contents1 The Do’s for UK Business Visitor Visa application1.1 The Don’ts for UK Business Visitor Visa application Are you considering to apply for a UK Business Visitor Visa application from Pakistan? This category of Business visit visa UK is for applicants who wish to carry out “permissible activities” in the UK for example attending conferences, attending pre-arranged meetings, seminars and interviews, speaking at a conference, negotiating and signing deals and contracts or to attend trade fairs etc. I come across many published articles on the UK Business Visitor Visa application in Pakistan. My observation is that most of these articles though highlight salient features of UK Business Visa requirements and the do’s and don’ts in general, however, these articles do not shed light on the challenges faced by Pakistani business community which can affect outcome of UK Business Visitor Visa application form from Pakistan. Most business applicants would like to have a long term visit visa UK so that they can continue their business affairs in the UK without having to apply for Business Visit Visa UK time and again. However, the fact is from 01/06/2016 to 31/03/2017, 26570 applicants were refused standard visa from Pakistan. From this high number of refusal of applications from Pakistan, you can see that most applicants are not fully familiar with UK Immigration Rules and UK Home Office Immigration Policy and thus make errors resulting in refusal of their UK Business Visitor Visa application. Furthermore, the high number of refusal of UK visa applications can also be attributed towards failure to show right documentation to the British High Commission Visa Officer. Getting refused a Business Visit Visa UK means the applicant has compromised his credibility and it will get more and more difficult to obtain Business Visit Visa UK or as a matter of fact any other UK visa in the future. Therefore, the applicant must be super cautious in the first instance and hire best UK immigration lawyers in their reach. In my experience, one of another reason of refusal is that these UK Business Visitor Visa application forms are also not filled out properly. In any way it is always recommended that you hire services of the best UK immigration lawyer to prepare your UK visa application. I shall discuss below the Do’s and Don’ts including general UK Business Visit Visa requirements for the applicants. The Do’s for UK Business Visitor Visa application Fill out the UK visa application form properly and explain your circumstances in the application form intelligently, keeping in view the UK Immigration Rules and UK Home Office Policies. Include your personal and business bank statements and fully explain your incomings and outgoings. As such it does not matter how much money is in your bank account as long as it is sufficient for your intended business trip without disturbing your personal and business financial affairs. Your UK immigration consultant must be able to give break down of your income and expenses in your application and explain your familial and financial circumstances in such a manner that the UK visa officer is able to understand your circumstances properly. READ 5 Golden Investment Tips By Warren BuffettAlso include tax documentation, which must corroborate with your declarations in the UK Business Visitor Visa application form. UK visa Entry clearance officer would be interested to see your familial, economic and financial circumstances in Pakistan therefore; you must include relevant information in your UK Business Visitor Visa application. Another issue faced by the Pakistani business community in their UK Business Visitor Visa application form is shadow economy of Pakistan. Not all the business transactions are carried through bank. Thus, applicants find it difficult to justify their income through their bank statements. An expert UK visa consultant in Pakistan should be able to find solution of this issue. To cover all aspects of your Business Visit Visa application, you must include information of your Business Visa sponsor (company) in the UK. One of the most common reasons of refusal of Business Visit Visa UK application I come across is that the sponsor had only provided a simple sponsorship letter and nothing further. The sponsor must also describe terms of Business Visit Visa invitation from UK. Also, provide details of your accommodation in your UK visa application form. You must be careful that the accommodation, if it is private, must not get over crowded with your presence. The Don’ts for UK Business Visitor Visa application The applicant must be mindful of following points when applying for Business Visit visa UK. Don’t attempt your application yourself if you have slightest doubt about anything in your application. Don’t try to hide facts in your UK visa application. Don’t use wrong English in your UK Business Visitor Visa application form. Don’t use your bank account to make payments for and on behalf of others. By doing so, you shall not be able to show your true financials to the UK visa officer. Don’t prepare your Business Visit Visa UK application under advice of your friends and family who have been issued Business Visit Visa UK, even UK visa type C Visit business in the past, unless they are aware of the UK Immigration Rules. Every applicant has unique circumstances and so is their Business Visit Visa UK application. Don’t upset the UK entry clearance officer by giving worth certificates of your assets in Pakistan. This is highly irrelevant to your Business Visit Visa UK application. Over all, the list of Do’s and Don’ts for Business Visitor Visa applications from Pakistan can go on and on. It is recommend that the business visitors from Pakistan should hire best Immigration Lawyers UK and increase the number of successful Business Visa application from Pakistan.
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