Home Doors Tips To Choose the Best Security Door for Your Property

Tips To Choose the Best Security Door for Your Property

9 min read

Who doesn’t love a gentle breeze coming in the house on that humid and summery afternoon? The only things stopping you from opening the door is the possibility of unwanted elements coming in and intruding your life. These elements may be humans or insects. One of the solutions is to implement security doors with sufficient space for air and light to come in a while, ensuring darker elements stay out.

Some people will argue that intruder will break upon any door, given that he has the right tools and right skills. This is not true in all cases. If you have chosen the right material and installation is perfect, it will ensure that you create enough deterrent for intruders to even think of breaking in. You need to plan for a customized security door with the right design, either it is a grill or a mesh and fitting into your door frame with no visible access to hinges so that it becomes tough to break.

How to Choose the Type of Security Doors?

Depending on your requirement, you really need to choose between steel securities doors with grill, an aluminium rod structure, or aluminium mesh. A location with a bit of high crime rate will demand a steel-reinforced security door. Material is of paramount importance when it comes to choosing the security door. You need to choose between steel, aluminium, wrought iron, and wood-steel combination.

Checklist Before You Installs a Security Door:

#1. Custom Adjustment: All homes are designed as per unique specifications, and security doors should be customization to fit in the requirement. They should be able to work in unison with the material of the door and fit in without showing any visible installation marks.

#2. Designed As Per Standards: You should verify before buying the product that it’s meeting the safety standards like AS5039-2008. This standard defines tests like knife test, impact test, sheer test, and anti- jemmy test it can endure.

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#3. Outer Frame: While installing security doors, you must lay special emphasis on the frames of the security doors. It is usually made of aluminium or steel. Both are considered to be sturdy material. Aluminium frames are the preferred choice for lightweight but sturdy fitting and for corrosion-prone space like near to seashores.

#4. Structural Design: You can have multiple patterns, grills, aluminium sheets as per your choice as part of the structural design. Stainless steel mesh is a choice for people who prefer security but don’t want to compromise on views.

#5. Locks: You should go for the best in business when it comes to lock. Always settle for cylinder locks with five or more pins and which come in with a 20+ year warranty.

Installing Security Door

You should always prefer to get a security door installed from a firm that is not only reputable but, at the same time, has ample experience in installing and maintaining the type of security door you want to install. They should be able to confirm what type of steel they are using, and what kind of design would be the best. They should also be able to tell if the door will lose any luster over time, what kind of maintenance will be needed etc. the security door should have provisions for removing windows for cleaning and availability for having the same lock as your window lock. They should also have a feature to be able to be removed during an emergency like a fire.

It pays to be safe and secure, and at the same time, you don’t want to miss out on beautiful breeze and breath-taking views for which you have spent a fortune. The amount of money you will spend on security doors will be a fraction of the money you spent on property and interiors, so make sure that you get the best security doors for your place.

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