Education Military Spouses and Dependants Can Further Their Education Online Posted on July 9, 2019 8 min read 0 2,959 education for military Contents1 FAFSA 2 Dependents Education Assistance Program3 GI Bill Transfer 4 Marine GySgt John D. Fry Scholarship5 Installation Education Centers6 SECO Program Many people assume that the educational benefits that military service members receive are strictly limited to them. This is false. In all actuality the government, schools, private organizations and the military over several different ways for military family members to acquire classes for military online. Some of the benefits family members can be provided can come in the form of online school guidance, financial assistance, career exploration and more. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the programs that are available to military family members who want to seek higher education online. FAFSA In order for a family member to get assistance, they need to be aware of the type of assistance that’s available to them in the first place. Funding however, starts with the FAFSA or Free Application for Federal Student Aid. This application collects various pieces of information surrounding the family size and income of each applicant. Once a military family member completes this application, it is reviewed by the government who then determines, the amount of financial aid said applicant is eligible to receive. Once an individual has completed this application, they should be aware of the types of programs that the government provides for military spouses and children. Dependents Education Assistance Program Family members who are eligible for this program are entitled to receive as much as 45 months of educational benefits. In order for an individual to be eligible for this benefit they must be categorized as being a widow of a veteran who passed away as a result of their service to the country such as dying from a gunshot wound from an enemy combatant. Spouses of veterans who have become permanently disabled as a direct result of the injuries they sustained while on active duty are also eligible for the Dependents Education Assistance Program. GI Bill Transfer The GI BIll Transfer program gives service members the opportunity to transfer up to 36 months of paid tuition to their spouse and/or children if they did not use it. Marine GySgt John D. Fry Scholarship This is a military specific scholarship which provides educational benefits to dependents and spouses of veterans who died in the line of duty. The scholarship features full tuition to a public or private school whether it may be online or offline. Individuals who are eligible for his scholarship will also receive a monthly housing allowance and a stipend for supplies such as a laptop. This scholarship is valid for and can be used within 15 years after said veteran died. Once a military family member has secured funding there are several approaches they can utilize to find classes for military online. Installation Education Centers These centers specialize in providing assistance when it comes to locating local and online educational opportunities and programs. They also provide help when it comes to finding the right online school. SECO Program The SECO program or Spouse Education and Career Opportunities Program provide career related counseling to family members through expert consultation. They also work to ensure that military spouses are able to access online education 24/7, as well as to provide them with resources, career information, assessments and tools. By using these assessments and tools, military family members will have the opportunity to explore their passions, personality types and interest to determine what career path and online course or school is ideal for them. READ Learn the Right Skills with Electrical Training
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