Home Family Life Changing Things You Can Do After the Kids Leave Home

Life Changing Things You Can Do After the Kids Leave Home

10 min read

Before I left home for college, I knew that my mom and dad will be okay.


They did not show me how much they’re worried, sad, or excited about the situation. Instead, they helped me fix my things, find a home near the uni, taught me how to manage my finances, and a lot more things that I need to be independent. When I moved out, they frequently called to check on me and to ask how my day went. I also did the same.


Now, I’m working with a team of architects and designers. I often do business with empty nesters and downsizing couples. Some of them remind me of my parents. And, they always ask me, “what do we do now that the kids are gone?”


As a design writer who grew up in a loving home, I want you to pat yourselves on the back. You did a job well done as parents. It’s time to focus on yourselves again. Start with transforming your house from an empty nest into an energetic home. You can consider these ideas:


Bedroom renovations

This might bring tears to your eyes, but turning their bedrooms into guest rooms is beneficial to you. Redecorating their rooms can be your therapy against loneliness.

Once you revamped these spaces, you can entertain visiting family members. If you live near a tourist hotspot, consider opening these guest rooms for short-term rentals. It’s a good source of extra income.


Create tranquil spaces

Now that they’re gone, you and your significant other (if you have one) will share your home with the memories of your growing kids. Make it the perfect place to rest, reflect, and recharge. Take a trip down to memory lane sometimes… Look back at moments that are full of love and laughter.



Build a small storage for all items they left

As much as possible, ask your kids to get rid of their own clutter before they move out. If they left a few of their belongings in the house, you should take them all and condense it into a small, safe area. Who knows, they might come home for a visit and look for it.


Write and complete your personal bucket list

Why don’t you list down all the things you’d still love to do and make them happen? Go out and learn pottery, build a business, run a marathon, write a novel, read books, or join a club. I bet you have lots of things that you want to achieve and now is the best time to do it!


Reward yourself with a spa bathroom

When you have extra money which you can spend to improve your home, consider building a spa bathroom. You will never know how good it is to bathe in an oasis every day, unless you have one at home. Spoil yourself this time! You’ve been so busy working for your family and the kids. Now that they’re adults, it’s time to prioritize your own happiness and wellness.



Hang out with friends

Get out of town. Visit the places you’ve never been to. Make new friends. Your kids are off and making the most of their freedom. You and your partner should do it too.


Feel the sparks again

Now that the kids are gone, you have more time and attention to give to your significant other. Reconnect with your partner. Go out on dates like you used to. If you’re single, it might be time to fall in love.


Appreciate the finer things in life

There’s nothing wrong with indulging yourself with things that make you feel good, as long as you can afford them. Invest in yourself. Prioritise your happiness. Enjoy your life.


Rekindle your passion

Some people let go of their passion in pursuit of starting a family and taking good care of the kids. Now that they’re all grown up, it’s time to reignite that passion. You have lots of time and now’s your chance to show the world what you can do.


Invite your children back sometime

You will still miss the kids, no matter how busy you are from growing your passion and completing your bucket list. So, let your kids know that they’re welcome to visit. Invite them over so you can share a home-cooked meal once more.


Make room for kids!

Witnessing your children build a family of their own — this is one of the highlights of parenting. It brings back your role as a teacher and a nurturer. Thus, it’s nice to have a place that your grandchildren will love to return to. Good thing you have those guest rooms intact. They can stay there during the weekends and long vacations.


Charlene Ara Gonzales is the design writer in Superdraft’s team of architects in Perth. She’s an interior geek, but she’s not ashamed of it. Deep down, she has an immense passion for working with people and helping them build their dream homes. 

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