fashion Trending Jewellery For This Winter Season Posted on January 31, 2019 7 min read 0 1,932 Contents1 Punk Jewelry2 Statement Jewellery3 Pearls4 Big Bangles5 Unique and Bespoke jewellery6 Circular jewellery7 Cuffs8 Author Bio: There are fashionistas, bloggers and jewellery lovers who wholeheartedly believe in trends. These folks always browse the web or scout the latest issue of a fashion magazine looking for new jewellery trends to a sport. If you, like them, love trends and are keen to know about what’s in this winter season, t this article is just for you. Punk Jewelry From chains with padlocks to spiked jewellery, punk is making a comeback this winter season. The key to styling a look with punk jewellery is not to go overboard, you do not want to look cramped up, so keep it simple. It is best to stick to single pieces, avoid wearing many layered or excessively chunky jewellery. Statement Jewellery A key style for most designers who displayed their Autumn-Winter collection on the runways, statement jewellery are in vogue this winter. Wear them on any apparel, or evening wear to put together a classic and chic look. Pearls A staple for all seasons, you can never go wrong with pearls. They are classy, timeless and look elegant on any form of jewellery. Pearls look amazing on long chains, bracelets or, for a more showy look, chokers. Big Bangles Big bangles are a brilliant fashion hack for all seasons. They look good when paired with an over-sized earring and accentuate the slimness of your wrist. This winter season, flaunt this look with a cashmere sweater and a dark pair of jeans for a chic, sophisticated look. Unique and Bespoke jewellery With the wedding and party season on in full swing, unique and bespoke jewellery are sure trendsetters this winter. Wear them to weddings or parties that require formal dressing, and you’ll surely attract attention. Note that while buying unique jewellery, it is important to invest in a piece that suits your style. READ How to Pick the Perfect Flowers for Your WeddingCircular jewellery Circular jewellery has been a top accessory flaunted on runways and at red carpet events this winter. A clear pick for the winter season’s top fashion trends, circular jewellery is smart, stylish, and pairs well with a variety of accessories. A good accessory to flaunt this winter season is a circle necklace decorated with diamonds or other gems. Cuffs Fashion magazines, designers and bloggers are paying attention of big prints and patterns, flaunting them on runways at on front pages. When it comes to jewellery trends, the bigger is better is in vogue. One of the accessories that are a winter trend hit is a cuff. From feather and leather, cuffs are available in a variety of styles, designs and shapes. Author Bio: I’m Surbhi, a writer based in Hyderabad, India, with interests and writing experience spanning across industries. Over the past decade, I have written for established publications on a variety of subjects like fashion, health, digital marketing, business etc. Diversity across various categories helps broadens my vision and make me learn more about my writing.
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