Home Health Fungus on the Hands

Fungus on the Hands

3 min read

An older male client with apparently “rough hands” for the last 8 months approached for Biomagnetism Therapy. He was a professional carpenter and assumed that he eventually developed an allergic reaction to one of the many types of wood that he had been in contact with throughout the years. He could not identify the exact cause and sought medical attention on several occasions visiting different dermatologists for several months.

Before Biomagnetism:

Dry cracked and peeling skin on fingers and palms can be observed despite gentleman having tried steroid, antifungal and moisturizing creams and lotions for months as prescribed by the different Medical professionals.

After Biomagnetism:

3 weeks after the first session, client’s hands recovered back to the normal skin without the further need of expensive creams and visits to specialists for “Excessively dry skin” or “Allergic reactions”.
Magnets were placed on biomagnetism pairs relating to fungus and an underlying virus resonating with the fungus. This case highlights just how quickly the body can heal itself if given the proper conditions with regards to pH balance, magnetic energy, and nutrition as he had also been told to limit his sugar intake and improve his nutrition.

Download App :  Beyond Biomag 3D

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