Home Health Having a good time at a party without drinking alcohol

Having a good time at a party without drinking alcohol

8 min read
AA Medallions

A.A Coins and AA Medallions are known by all because they demonstrate the commitment of all those who suffer from alcoholism. And the people show them proudly because they talk about the time they have been sober and are very committed to their recovery and here we will give you some tips to have a good time at a party without.

A party can be very fun without having to drink alcohol and there are many activities that can replace an alcoholic beverage.

If you are a person, who will drive home, after attending a party, you are a minor, you do not like to drink alcohol, or you are a woman and you are pregnant, maybe you just want to be sure you will not lose your head, Then, we bring you some simple tips:

When you get to the party, if someone offers you a drink, then you should order something without alcohol. A soda, water, milk or a fruit juice, depending on your preference.

Dancing is the best way to have fun at a party. But try to do it in a safe place to prevent someone from getting hurt. Do not try to make moves that are too difficult or you could have muscle aches in your body the next day.

You must play with your friends. You can make party games, board games, video games, riddles, you just have to use your imagination!

You have to feel free to sing along to music, for example, karaoke style. This will amaze everyone.

Before leaving home, you should listen to some cheerful music, like some Latin rhythm, and dance a while to lift your spirits. Better yet, you could invite some friends to feel more cheerful before arriving at the party.

Stay busy. Try to make new friends and keep your mouth and hands busy while sipping a soda.

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You could also eat a healthy snack before going to the party, this will avoid the temptation to eat junk food. If someone tries to pressure you to drink an alcoholic beverage, you must know how to politely say no. Most people will understand the message.

If that person insists, maybe it would be better to leave the party. People who try to get in trouble are not good friends.

Some people may think they are not having a good time if they do not drink alcohol. You must have a good excuse to drive them away. Some phrases you should say “I’m going to drive”, “I’m taking antibiotics and can not mix with alcohol” or “I have to wake up early tomorrow and be in good shape”.

You should try not to say “I do not need to drink to have a good time” to someone who is drinking. That could show you as someone who is arrogant to other people and is very likely to take it as an offense. Remember that the essence of good manners is to make everyone feel comfortable.

Focus on a goal you want to achieve by the end of the night. Maybe it’s something as simple as making your friends laugh or something a bit more complicated, like meeting someone. At the end of the night, if there is something so you can go home with your head held high, then you can say that you have completed your goal.

Listen to different people, so you can choose who is more pleasant to be and preferably should be people who do not drink alcohol.

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