Home Home Improvement 3 Steps to Make Your Bedroom Look New

3 Steps to Make Your Bedroom Look New

7 min read

So let’s give a whole new look and an exquisite makeover to your bedroom. Please don’t worry about the budget, it’s will all be cost effective for you. You know what the best part here is, you don’t even have to buy a new furniture in order to revamp your bedroom. Frankly, it’s just the 3 important steps;

Step 1 # Cleaning

Admit it, your bedroom needs to be retreated so that it turns up inviting enough for you at least. As we all know, most of the bedrooms become a clutter of clothing and shoes that actually belong in the closet. So restoring order has to be your first step. How about beginning from the far corner of the room and working your way towards the door? That’s a perfect plan. Here are a few thing you need to pay attention to;

  • Throw away all the trash immediately.
  • Put your belongings at the right place.
  • Go for the most appropriate choice for your clothes. Hang them up, store in the dresser, throw in the laundry basket or simply bag it.
  • Do not leave your shoes scattered across the floor. Shoes mainly deserve proper storage in the bedroom closet.
  • Must De-clutter your Bedroom
  • Belongings mostly belong in your bedroom.

If you have hired the professional cleaning company in Dubai, ask that person to do it for you but in the right manner.

Step 2 # Buying New Bedding

Once you are done with your basic cleaning, you must grab a new bedding. Aesthetically, your bed adds up tremendously to your room’s style. So just create a whole new look just by changing your sheets. Comforter and pillows. Make sure you avoid the faded comforters and dingy sheets. Don’t rush, just take enough time to choose the luxurious yet elegant bedding that suits your room as well as your personality. It would simply be great to pick the decorative theme that matches the style, design and color.

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Step 3 # Painting the Walls

Want to go for the safe choice? Must choose the colors like Creamy white, soft gray or pale tan. They would simply work great. But depending upon your room, its style and theme, you can go for other more suitable options as well. But don’t forget the color must match the new bedding and the general mood you are trying to set. In case you are not really sure about the the paint color, you can try purchasing a small can and try it out on a section of your bedroom wall. As simple as that.

Once you have finalized your paint and supplies, now you must head on to the most time-consuming step. Let me warn, it might be tedious but it’s worth doing. It’s actually masking off the windowsills, doorjambs, and trimming. Next step would be, moving as much furniture as you can out of the room. If you can’t move those large pieces, simply cover it completely with drop cloth. And you are all good to go with the new and fresh looking room.


Are you willing to have your room turned in to new yet an elegant one? Just check out the article now

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