Home Home Improvement 6 Tips That Will Help You Save The Cost Of Hiring A Plumber

6 Tips That Will Help You Save The Cost Of Hiring A Plumber

8 min read

Plumbing work can turn out to be an expensive one. Sometimes even the minute problems can turn out to be a daunting task. But, with a few handy tips that you can do yourself can help you save a lot of money which otherwise would’ve been spent in hiring a plumber. If you have a good plumber, then they will give you certain tips that will help you in avoiding any herculean plumbing task in the future. In this blog we have curated a few of such tips for you.

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Tips to Follow for Hiring A Plumber

  1. Use heat to loosen the tough water fittings- Well, this is a herculean task for many, sometimes the water fittings can turn out to be too rigid and mishandling them can lead to breakage. To avoid this, you must use heat to loosen the solidified pipe dope. Heating it will loosen the pipe, and you will be able to easily unfold it. Usually, people hire a plumber for this work, but instead, you can try this tip; it might just help you out.
  2. Locating the Pipes – If you have shifted to a new house or apartment and are not able to locate the pipes, then you can make use of a neodymium magnet. Attaching this magnet to an electrical fish tape and feeding it into the drain lines via cleanout plug and finally using a compass to locate the magnet, will thereby help in locating the pipe.
  3. Use bucket full of water to flush the toilet- the Blocked toilet is a common problem for which people call plumbers, but with this simple trick, you can save that cost altogether. All you need is a bucket full of water which you’ll have to pour into the toilet. You can do it weekly; large pressure by the water will help in removing anything in the way that is blocking the toilet. If you want, you can also use hot water.
  4. Make use of chemical cleansers– Nowadays chemical cleaners for cleaning toilets are readily available. You can buy them from the local store. If you are not aware of the same, then you can contact a plumber. Your local plumber would be able to tell you the right cleansers. In case you are not able to get rid of the blockage issue, then you can hire the services of a plumber.
  5. Check the showerheads- Dripping showerhead is a common problem faced by the homeowners, but that doesn’t mean that you need to run to a local plumber every time. All you need to do is unwind the showerhead. Sometimes, the thread tapes might get loose because of which the problem arises. So, you can change the thread tapes, and the dripping will stop. In case you are still not able to find the right solution, you must contact the plumber.
  6. Don’t discard food particles into the sink– Sometimes little acts of carelessness can lead to a blockage of drain. To avoid this problem, you must ensure that nothing is discarded into the drain, especially food particles. These flow down into the pipe, and over a period of time, tend to accumulate and block the drain. Following the simple step of discarding food into the dustbin before keeping the utensils into the sink will help in preventing blocked drain and saving the cost of hiring the plumber.
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Final Thoughts – These simple tips are handy, and you can do it yourself. But sometimes, the plumbing problems can aggravate, and you might end up needing the assistance of a local plumber who will help you in the same.

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