The world has changed a lot in the recent years. Different places on earth have different kinds of climate and accordingly, people make their homes. The roofs of the houses differ from one place to another because of various reasons. The houses in the hilly areas have different kinds of roofs than those in the plain lands or near the seasides. So different kinds of materials are used in different places for roofing purposes.
What is the roofing?

The design of a house determines the kind of roofing that it requires. Roofing is done to protect the house from the danger and adverse climatic conditions. Like the pillars of the house, it is one of the most important parts of the house. It guards the house against the sun, snow, rains, animals etc. Nowadays, different kinds of materials have been invented for roofing a house. In many parts of the world, the traditional methods of roofing using hay, copper, aluminum sheets and even concrete are still used.
People must know which roofing materials will provide the best results for their house and then take the decision to use them. Roofing is not done for a single year or season. So the materials used must be durable and should stay for a long period of time.
Points to keep in Mind
There are numerous options available these days and so a lot of things must be kept in mind before installing any kind of roofing material. This list will help to make decisions wisely.
- The owner must have a complete idea of the look of the house so that he can purchase the roofing materials accordingly. The cost-effectiveness of the material that is going to be installed should be considered
- The cost of installation of the material and the availability of skilled laborers for installing the roof should also be considered
- The maintenance cost and repair cost of the material that will be used also needs consideration
Types of roofing

Numerable materials are available for roofing. Here is a list of some of the materials that prove to be the best materials for roofing:
- Metal roof – The metal roofing is one of the best kinds of roofing as it protects the house in many ways. The lifespan of the metals is upto 50 years. These are found in rolls and are easy to install.
- Slate roof- Slate is the best material that one can use for roofing. It is one of the most durable materials that can be used. The lifespan of this material is almost 100 years. The maintenance cost is also very less.
- Wood shingles- Wood is a common and traditional material that is used for roofing for The lifespan of the wooden roof is about 35 to 40 years. Wood shakes that are comparatively thicker must be used for a better result. Woods can protect in a much better way during any kind of natural calamities. But the wood shingles requires a lot of maintenance.
- Spanish tiles – These are one of the most ancients and best materials that can be used for roofing a house. The lifespan of the clay tiles is over 100 years. The maintenance cost of the tiles is also very less. A few precautions must be maintained in order to use them for a long time.
- Composite roof- These are one of the cheapest materials that can be used as a roof in the houses. The lifespan of this material varies from 15 years to 50 years. This is because the composite roof is available in different qualities. The user must check for the premium quality and then install it.
The technology has changed so much in the recent times that the options for using materials for roofing have increased. However, the above-mentioned materials are the best and most durable and can be aptly used for roofing purpose.