Home Improvement Home Improvement: The Principles of Good Home Design Posted on May 22, 2018 8 min read 0 1,966 “Doctors save lives by constructing a healthy life. Deisgners save lives by constructing a life worth living.” -Mark W. Perrett It has been widely believed and regarded that a home’s design is what gives it personality. However, while this remains to be true, a home’s design is also taken to be largely objective—depending upon the design tastes and preferences of its inhabitants. However, while a home’s design is largely personal, there is a myriad of aspects that would be true in every good home design regardless of what a person’s taste might be. Unfortunately, in today’s time and age wherein homes are selling at a premium price, most prospective homeowners who are buying on a budget would take what they can setting aside home design thinking it secondary only to their basic need. Unfortunately, while poorly designed homes would cater to your needs of a shelter, it would hardly cater to anything else. What is even sadder is that most homeowners today are so accustomed to bad home design that they would not even recognize a good one even if it is staring at them right in the face. Ideally, your home’s should not only reflect your personality but should also address the kind of lifestyle you have—so much so that it is tailor-fit to all of your needs. In any case, before settling on a condominium in BGC or elsewhere in your search for a home, here are some principles that ought to guide you in your search for a family home: 1.) Shaped by the individuals who live in it Much like it was stated above, your home should be a reflection of your taste and preferences. Going home to it after a long day should feel familiar and not alien. After all, a home’s primary purpose is to first serve the specific and individual needs of its occupants. It should be fit for you and not for the general market for whom it is trying to sell itself. Remember, everyone has different needs so in this regard, everyone should have different homes. READ Things to keep in mind while hiring furniture contractor2.) Shaped by its environment Although this might seemingly run counter with the previous statement, it actually does not. Apart from serving its occupants, a home should be unique and distinct in a way that it would recognize the leverage climate, topography, vegetation, culture, etc. has on it. All these should be reflected on its design. 3.) Recognizes and works with its context Context is taken to mean the other homes found within your area. A home working well with its context does not have to connote being one and the same like the other houses in the area. It means being able to fit in the neighborhood as well as its neighboring houses. Resultantly, a home that fits well can significantly contribute to the solid fabric of the community. 4.) Uses building materials efficiently Apart from using only top-notch and premier materials that do not easily wear or break, it is best to recognize a home that makes use of building materials efficiently. This means that your home should not use any more material than what is absolutely necessary both for function and aesthetics. Furthermore, if your home is carefully planned then the construction systems it would use should be appropriate for where you intend to build your home. 5.) Has visual harmony There should be a sense of cohesion and seamlessness in all the design aspects of your home. Looking at it should not feel like it is a visual noise. Looking at it should look just right. This means that principles of rhythm, texture, scale and massing are all working together harmoniously.
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