Home Home Improvement How to Clean Bathroom Tiles

How to Clean Bathroom Tiles

7 min read
cleaning bathroom tiles

Cleaning bathroom tiles can be one of the most tedious tasks in the home, but it must be done frequently to keep the bathroom cool, free of mildew and with a clean appearance. Because of the transit of people, tiles tend to get dirty and accumulate a lot of moisture, which helps mold to appear. With these tips we teach you how to quickly and efficiently clean bathroom tiles.

Tips for cleaning bathroom tiles

Products needed for cleaning

  • Bucket with hot water
  • Ammonia or vinegar
  • A scourer or cloth
  • Dry cloth

Method to keep bathroom tiles clean

If you already have a clean bathroom, you should do a daily maintenance or every few days to avoid mold and dirt. First, add two tablespoons of ammonia in a bucket of hot water, then moisten a scouring pad or a microfiber cloth  and disinfect the area by rubbing the tiles. Finally, clean the tiles with a dry cloth so that mold does not form. Also, to keep the tiles shining longer, spray them 2 or 3 times a week with a 1: 1 solution of vinegar, you will notice the difference the next time you clean them.

How to clean bathroom tiles with ammonia

First we must remove the grease that is formed in the tiles of the bathroom. Surely you think that you can not accumulate fat in the bathroom but that is not the case since the use of body products and soaps for the body causes it to deposit on the tiles. Half a liter of water with 2 tablespoons of ammonia should be enough to clean the entire bathroom . If you prefer you can also buy degreaser although the first way is perhaps cheaper. Once the tiles are degreased, we must remove the lime. Use a wet sponge in a solution of half a liter of cold water and one or two glasses of vinegar to remove the lime from the tiles, let it dry for five minutes and then wipe it dry.

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Clean the tiles with bleach

The second method is similar to the first at the beginning, you must mix half a liter of water with two tablespoons of ammonia to remove the fat from the walls. Apply this mixture on the tiles and dry with a clean and dry cloth. After degreasing the area, mix a quarter of a liter of bleach and half a liter of cold water, this mixture helps to prevent fungi and bacteria that are deposited in the joints of the tiles. Apply this mixture with a sponge and then dry with a clean cloth. In both methods, wear gloves and goggles when cleaning to avoid damaging your eyes. To prevent dampness keep the bathroom ventilated using air extractors or opening the windows after the shower.

The bathroom is one of the places where more bacteria accumulate. Due to this, it is recommended that in addition to this tile cleaning, we also do a weekly routine of efficient cleaning of the bathroom . Despite this routine cleaning, an annual thorough cleaning is also recommended with the help of professionals. Request a budget for thorough cleaning of the bathroom and let our team take care of disinfecting it thoroughly.

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