Home Improvement How To Improve The Look Of Your House With Textured Render Finish? Posted on October 25, 2019 8 min read 0 2,515 Contents1 5 Ways How Textured Render Finish Improves The Look Of Your House:2 Energy Efficiency:3 Low Maintenance:4 Enhance Durability:5 Aesthetic Touch:6 Adds Elegance And Beauty: Render is the mixture of cement, water with lime when applied upon brick walls. The right choice of textured render finish depends upon some factors which need to be kept in mind. 5 Ways How Textured Render Finish Improves The Look Of Your House: When we have to opt for any method or choose any component with respect to the construction of a house or renovation, it is important to know the impact that will be there on a building. How the look of the house gets improved is as mentioned below. Energy Efficiency: The textured render finish provides insulation to a house. Like a coat of such textured render, finishes can keep your rooms cool during summer, and similarly, the rendering coat takes care of the thermal regulations inside the house. The house will be cozy and warm during winters and cool during summers. The energy consumption of cooling and heating systems is cut down and there is a great save on the electricity bills. Low Maintenance: While exterior insulation is costly, it is wiser to spend on rendering. Each home can improve its thermal performance in this manner. There is no reason to get overworked if the house is an old one. Rendering always stands as a beneficial option in terms of cost in comparison to exterior insulation. Enhance Durability: It is important to protect the health of the house and keep it free from damp and moss. A brick house without any rendering invites the death of the building. During the rainy season, water starts entering through the cracks and gaps in the bricks causing silent damage to the house. Even if one puts a coat of paint to the house, then also they can find similar issues in their building. So you must choose the textured render finishes to increase the durability of your house and such finishes can protect your house from extreme weather conditions. But, if a building has a history of prolonged dampness, an expert is to be consulted. In extreme warm climatic zones, a textured render finish increases the durability of the home by protecting it from the UV radiations of the sun. READ Three Steps to Select the Best Entrance Door for Your HouseAesthetic Touch: The aesthetic value of a house gets enhanced once rendering is done. The dull exterior is removed and a coat of paint after a year or two changes the look completely. Even if there are cracks after the application of the textured render finish, one can re-render it. Adds Elegance And Beauty: wallpaper can only cover up the blemishes, it does not treat the walls. Further, a textured render finish even looks better than the wallpaper. You need to change the wallpapers after few months and that will cost you more. In this regard, textured render finishes are the best option for you and you can reduce your maintenance cost by installing such finishes on your walls. One does not need to render the full house to give it a brand new look. Renovation of a house is like curating your own space to be more comfortable, more beautiful and appealing to the senses. Improving the aesthetic quality, adding insulation and making the exteriors more weather resistant is all possible with home rendering. The traditional house rending would mean the usage of colors like grey or white. But in today’s world, there are no limits to the color usage. There are pre-mixed acrylic renders which are in many colors or pigments get added to the mix. One needs to keep in mind how the exterior of the house will go with the surroundings as well as the neighboring homes. It becomes more interesting when traditional rendering is combined with timber or brick finishes.
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