Home Home Improvement How to Pick the Perfect Tiles for Your Home

How to Pick the Perfect Tiles for Your Home

7 min read

When it comes to searching for the best floor tiles in the Philippines, there are many ways as to going about this task. Indeed, it can certainly be a very challenging sand tricky feat looking for what matches with what, and what is the right texture, material, etc. But with a few simple steps when it comes to assessment, picking the perfect floor tiles for your home can be quite the fun activity.

Whether you are renovating your kitchen or bathroom, choosing the right tiles can make significant enhancements to the entirety of the space. Searching and selecting for these tiles requires that you first get a good grasp of the fundamentals when it comes to tile styles. The essential factors that fall into consideration are things such as: tile size in relation to room layout, and of course, budget.

Floor Tiles

The sizing of floor tiles always first depends on the size of the room in speculation. For bathrooms, an important tip to keep in mind and remember is that you should always first measure the distance between the bath or shower and the vanity –larger tiles can give the optical illusion that small spaces appear much larger.

For floor tiles that are about 300mm x 600mm and larger. It is highly recommended that you utilize a strip grate as to the prevention of predicaments such as water build-up. What is so great about this tip is that it also gives the bathroom a sleek and modern look that is and always will be very much in vogue. Each and every type of tile style has wear ratings which are used to help in determining where tiles can cannot be placed and used for whatever room purpose. These ratings range anywhere in a spectrum of zero – (which stands for wall-use only), and five – (which indicates that the tile is durable enough for heavy duty traffic).

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Wall Tiles

A tile has the inherent and pragmatic ability as well as purpose to repel water and strains making it a hygienic and manageable surface area. However, there is the tendency of mold and dirt being built up in the tile grout which results in grout discoloration. Bigger wall tiles call for less grouting and would obviously be the much smarter choice. But smaller tiles pose more aesthetic qualities –adding a distinct artistic feature to your bathroom.

But remember to be mindful of regular cleaning for extra grout. One amazing tip is to seal the grout, or try tile supplements such as epoxy grout which repels stains and is typically used in commercial kitchens. For niche wall features, the intricate tile design is something that should be showcased.

Key Takeaway

Floor tiles in the Philippines come in many different shapes, sizes, and designs for a multitude of purpose. Keep in mind the golden rule that practicality is the key basis for tile selection. With the fundamentals in mind, you can create an utterly stunning kitchen and bathroom façade. Tiles can be the central beautifying focal point of any room, so choose only the best.

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