Home Home Improvement How to Remodel Your Bathroom: Budget-Friendly Renovation Tips

How to Remodel Your Bathroom: Budget-Friendly Renovation Tips

9 min read

Bathroom remodeling is not something people tend to do every year simply because it’s quite costly. However, there are some ways you can cut the costs a bit, either with smart investments or by literally finding a cheaper alternative. So, if this is your first bathroom remodel, here are some tips to guide you through the process.

Set a clear budget

The first step of any renovation project should always be setting the budget. Determining how much money you have and how much you can afford to spend on this project is crucial because you don’t want to find yourself in a situation where you ran out of funds halfway through. Once you set the budget, add another 20% to it for unplanned and unforeseen circumstances.

Make a plan 

Once you determine the budget, you should make a clear plan. This can (and should) include details about all the work that needs to be done and you can ask the contractors to give you the ECD (estimated completion date). This way, you’ll get a somewhat clear picture about how long the renovation will take and you’ll be able to track all the work that has been done/is yet to be done. However, do know that not everything will always be going according to plan, so try not to stress over it too much.

Check the pipes

First, it’s important to mention that completely changing your piping scheme will cost you a lot, so it would be wise to stick to the original scheme. Next, one of the biggest mistakes people make is not inspecting the pipes. Not checking the pipes can lead to some nightmarish scenarios. For example, it can happen that a pipe starts leaking after all the remodeling is done which would require you to do everything over. So, to avoid such a scenario, check your pipes and find experts dealing with pipe relining. Relining the pipes will significantly prolong their lifespan.

Save where you can 

Now, a new bathtub, toilet and sink is something you shouldn’t try to save money on. On the other hand, mirrors, cabinets and other little details are the things you can save significantly on. So, depending on the look you are going for, visit various thrift stores and flea markets and try to find pieces you can touch up a bit to make them work in your bathroom. Also, keep in mind that open shelving is significantly cheaper than cabinetry, but offers the same amount of storage space.

Find better alternatives 

For example, when it comes to tubs, instead of making a tiled tub surround, you can go with a regular tub surround – it costs significantly less but offers the same in terms of practicality. Next, you can tile your countertops instead of going for the expensive granite or marble – there are various tile options you can choose from which will allow you to completely personalize the look. Finally, instead of tiling your walls, you should consider wainscoting – wainscot can be made of various materials including PVC, it’s significantly cheaper than tiles and the best thing is that you can completely DIY this part of the project.

Go with the timeless design

Following trends is fun but it’s extremely impractical when bathrooms are concerned. Greenery, as well as tropical leaf prints, were all the rage only a few years back. However, the trend went away almost as fast as it appeared. And imagine you remodeled your bathroom around that time and decided to blindly follow the trend. Now you’d be stuck with a green toilet and leafy walls. So, instead of following the latest trends, come up with a design that will be equally beautiful for many years to come.


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While it is true that remodeling a bathroom is pretty costly, there are ways you can reduce those costs significantly. We’ve mentioned only a few ways you can achieve that, so

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