Home Home Improvement Mop Bucket 101: Parts & Types of Mop Buckets!

Mop Bucket 101: Parts & Types of Mop Buckets!

9 min read

A clean room is a beautiful room. For clean rooms you need cleaning equipment and cleaning agents. One of the most usual forms of such equipment includes the mop and the bucket. It has been used for ages and gained popularity with time. Over the period, the design has been updated. The bucket and, mop are no more the humble cleaning equipment.

The designs have been upgraded and now, you get equipment like the Kentucky mop bucket. The many designs vary and the most popular ones also have a wringer fitted in the design. Quite convenient to use, right?! Find yourself, the right mop bucket for your cleaning needs and see the area shine.

  •  Know the Parts of a Bucket Set

If, you want to clean up the mess, you will need to start with the bucket design and understanding it. Without proper knowledge about the bucket design, you could use it in the wrong way and ruin the clean-up. Here are the parts of the bucket and mop set:

  1.       The bucket: It is set on wheels so that the warm soapy water does not spill out onto the floor. A larger bucket carries more water, hence reducing the need to refill again and again.
  2.       Dirty Water Bucket: Some cleanup buckets come with a second bucket that is attached to the wringer so that the dirty water in the mop is separated from the clean water. This feature reduces the need for a water change, hence saving water.
  3.       The Wringer: Whether home or office, the floors should have minimum water left over from the mopping. The ringer presses out any extra water in the mop so that the floors do not become slippery with excess water. The wringer can be either made of plastic or metal. There are various types of wringers. These can affect how much water is left in the mop. The different types of wringers include:

    Reverse Press Wringer: For this kind of wringer, you need to pull the lever forward, to release the water back into the bucket.

    Funnel Type of Wringer: This kind of wringer does not require any kind of press. Place the mop in the funnel and keep twisting, till the desired level of saturation is reached.

    Side Press Wringer: For using this kind of wringer, you will have to stand behind the bucket and press the lever forward. This will release all the excess water into the bucket below. The handle is on the side of the wringer.

    Down Press Winger: It works in similar ways to side press wringers, but requires less effort.

  1.       The Mop: In a bucket mop set, the mop is always a string mop. These have cotton strings attached to the head of a pole. These have high absorbency and scrubbing power.
  • The Double Bucket Mop Set
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Many stores offer single bucket mop sets, but have you heard about the double bucket mop set? If, you have not, then you need to know about these kinds of buckets ASAP. The design has a second bucket along with the normal one.

This second bucket is usually to store the dirty water. So, once you have mopped the floor, you can just place it in the wringer and you are done.  No mess or need to wring out the dirty water with hand! The best part about this mop bucket set is the environmental benefit aspect. When, you have a dirty water bucket, you save much more water.

With a second bucket for the dirty water, you gain another advantage, the fact that the dirty water does not get mixed with the clean water, so you get efficiently cleaned floors.

All said and done, just remember, that, if you buy your mop and bucket from a dubious store, then you will definitely get low quality bucket and mop set. Purchase your mop and bucket from a trusted source! They have a wide variety of bucket and mop set, which are of high quality, ensuring that your floors are always clean!

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