Home Insurance Tips To Get Spectacle Insurance Plans

Tips To Get Spectacle Insurance Plans

8 min read
Spectacle Insurance Plans

Spectacles come in a wide range of varieties and adding technicalities, like making it scratch-proof, UV resistant can add to the expense.  They are very delicate and are always at the mercy of getting trampled and broken. Individuals can never be enough careful with their glasses, one wrong movement and down it goes. If you’re lucky, it doesn’t fall apart, but its surface is fraught with scratches, your vision is impaired and you need a quick repair or a replacement. To save yourself from constant financial claims like these, a spectacle insurance, is a good choice.

Bajaj Finserv provides you with spectacle insurance plans that are simple to understand and easy to acquire at reasonable rates. For spectacle value which falls under Rs. 15,000, you will only have to pay out Rs. 449 and for the spectacle which costs over Rs. 15,000 and up to Rs. 40,000, will have to pay out only Rs. 899. Eyewear insurance policy has a tenure of one year, after that, you can either take another policy or withdraw all the savings that you saved in a year.

Spectacle insurance cover, covers for any loss and damage caused to the spectacle, in the form of theft or burglary or physical damages caused due to the fire, stampedes, riots, However, it does not cover any damage caused due to neglectance of an individual or regular wear and tear.

Applying for eyewear protection policy could never have been easier. You can apply it online by just providing the details of your KYC and then submit the details of the invoice or bill. Eyewear protection plan states that in case your spectacle is damaged then you can claim it within 7 working days. Keep the damaged parts to yourself. Claiming could be done by a various process that includes a phone call or email or through or simply going straight to the office. Submit all the relevant information. If your spectacle has been stolen or has been in a burglary then have an FIR copy of it. If it has been damaged by fire, you’re required to have a copy of fire brigade’s report. These documents or the damaged parts are necessary for the inspection process which is done by the insurance surveyors, only then you will be eligible for the insurance money.

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The claim handler will contact the insured after or within 4 hours of getting the complaint. He will then ask for further information and the documents or the damaged parts along with a claim form duly signed. The settlement is done after getting all the information and verifying that the spectacle broken has obvious reasons. Payment will be done either through NEFT or through cheque.

Though most people would think of getting a spectacle insurance would be useless but if your glasses which have cost you a fortune, ensuring their protection is a suitable option. So, these are the tips to get your spectacle insured, and for any further queries, never hesitate to ask your agent before it, as all posessions should be well protected and covered. Once your claim is investigated, you’d be compensated in monetary terms and you wouldn’t have to spend a bulk out of your own expenses, again.

Almost all the people now have to wear spectacles that are prescribed by the doctors, and investing in a good quality spectacle can be expensive. But, maintaining a pair of spectacles is harder than buying one. There are numerous external factors to protect one’s pair of spectacles against. Accidents are numerous, a scratch and it calls for new expenditure. But with a general insurance policy, one can be quite at peace.

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