Home Marketing How is Machine Learning Empowering the Social Media?

How is Machine Learning Empowering the Social Media?

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social media data

Social media has come a long way since the days of being only a platform for communicating with people, sharing photos and chatting non-stop for hours. Their popularity and reach have touched a new height with some of them even crossing the covered mark of 1 billion plus userbase mark. Today, ever type of people use social platforms in one way or other, including buyers, sellers, idlers etc. With every business and user benefiting from the social sites, it was only a matter of time when brands saw prospects and dived in.

Needless to say, social media today is easily the most favoured marketing platform for brands small and big alike. These platforms have outpaced the traditional advertising mediums like TV, radio, print etc. by a mile. And with smartphones reaching to virtually every household, social channels are now overloaded with data, information and customer profile brimming with potential for brands. In fact, the surfeit of data has made it almost impossible to manage them manually. Machine Learning (ML) thus comes in to solve the conundrum to a great extent.

  • Machine Learning is a sub-branch of artificial intelligence (AI) developed to empower computers and other hand-held devices in classifying data of any scale or volume into neat clusters
  • ML is also about making use of algorithms to find trends and patterns in data to use for marketing or brand building purpose or for other sophisticated tasks
  • Machine learning brings to marketers an organized way to manage and structure social media data or posts according to different elements such as images, texts, videos etc.
  • The use of ML is growing among businesses to have deep and result-driven insight into or onto their target customers cutting across geographies and demographics
  • Brands can leverage machine learning to work on the raw and real-time data to do customer segmentation to gain better ideas about customer’s tastes, preferences and demographics

Quite clearly, machine learning is a new dimension to managing the vast amount of social media data to cater customers and get prospects for the business. It has empowered social media in a huge way in fetching key data to brands so that marketing and advertising can witness a new dimension altogether.

Social media today is empowered by machine learning in different ways, including –

  1. Social media analysis has gone quick and resource-neutral

Gone are the days when businesses had to invest in manpower to do social media analysis for marketing purposes. The days are over when it required some investment in resources for leveraging data and posts from social channels to cater target audience better. With ML, the same task that once required manpower and money can be done quickly and in an entirely hassle-free manner. thanks to the machine learning, brands can think of saving big on time and money with analysis of social media data. And yes, getting a deep insight into the target audience is no more an expensive affair at all.

  1. Easy processing of social media data into leads and prospects

With machine learning, it has come a walk in the park to process social media information into a profitable piece of data for the business.  It is possible to keep an eye on different social media channels and activities form a centralized system and track brands mentions across all channels without investing anything beyond the reasonable.  The volume and scale of social media activity won’t hamper your chances as your team can easily navigate all to fetch data worth the trust. Thanks to the ML and its unique algorithms, it won’t take longer than seconds to cut through the maze of data for getting appropriate material.

  1. Superior contextualization of social media data

For brands, it’s all about putting data into right context and slicing through them in a way to broaden their reach into customers and markets. They are no longer limited with just keywords and hashtags for extracting meaning out of social media data. They can leverage Big Data as well, create graphs, squeeze a lot more out of the data and get a better content on target audience. It’s also possible to do ‘sentiment analysis ‘on data to get a peek into the customers through process about product or services. All this will empower brands and help them realize their true potential in the market easily.

  1. Tracking of posts and links’ point of origin

Machine learning has made it possible to get a deep insight into groups or people generating all those posts on social media. Brands can track the sources and origins of posts and links. Graphs can be used to show to present any changes to original posts helping businesses get relevant posts to and target users effectively. With so much to gain from machine learning, it would be apt for a business to hire a top digital marketing company and get the most out of prospects around.

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