Home Real Estate Use These 7 Tips to Boost Curb Appeal

Use These 7 Tips to Boost Curb Appeal

10 min read
Boost Curb Appeal

Real estate agents and homeowners that are listing a home for sale know that visual appeal has a huge impact on potential buyers. The curb appeal of your listings is a direct reflection of your commitment to offering a stellar property.

Thankfully, there are many things you can do to improve curb appeal. Most of them can be accomplished with a minimum of expense. You should use these 7 witty tips to boost curb appeal and increase the likelihood that a sale will close on your real estate listing.

1. Make General Repairs

Elements of a home that are in poor condition immediately attract the eye. Even worse, these problems convey a sense of distress to your potential buyer. The home buyer is wary of investing in a home that will require expensive maintenance from the start.

From sagging gutters and missing shingles to cracks in brick and worn paint, each small flaw can diminish the chance that your home will sell quickly. Many repairs of this type can be handled in short order, and some repairs will cost less than you expect. Above all else, try to establish cohesion and uniformity inside and outside of the home.

2. Emphasize Cleaning

A good cleaning can cover a multitude of sins where homes are concerned. Pressure washing to remove dirt and debris along with lawn maintenance can transform a home’s curb appeal in a single afternoon.

A clean home also sends a message that the home has been well-cared for by its current or previous owners. This will have a strong psychological impact on your prospective buyer and what they are willing to pay for the home.

3. Reclaim Space to Make Areas Look Larger

A large home with plenty of space is every homebuyer’s dream. What your listing is lacking in square footage can be mitigated by visually making the property look larger. To do this you need to open up areas and reclaim space.

Overgrown shrubbery should be neatly trimmed. Instead of borders focus on the creative use of curved walkways and large planters to section off outdoor areas. Strategic placement of lighting and other elements can also make a home appear larger.

4. Properly Use Color

The color of a home’s exterior can have a vast impact on curb appeal. Color changes can often be much less expensive than making changes to landscaping, and it isn’t always necessary to paint the entire home. Using a colored front door, for example, can alter the way a home looks.

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Trims are best painted in a neutral color. For the accents you want to think in terms of softer colors that are warm and welcoming.

5. Accessorize for Added Beauty

A key to successful curb appeal for your real estate listing is creating some exterior beauty. Many real estate agents turn to window flower boxes and planters to accomplish this. A window box with colorful plants attracts the eye, and it can also be used to draw attention to a home’s elegant windows.

PVC window boxes are relatively inexpensive and require very little know-how to install. This is another project that can be completed in just a few hours, and it will have a far-ranging impact on potential buyers.

6. Bring Light to the Home’s Exterior

There are few things more unwelcoming than a home in darkness at night. Don’t assume that buyers will only see your listing in the light of day. You want the home to retain its sense of warmth after nightfall.

Solar lanterns are being used by many real estate agents for exterior lighting. These lanterns can be placed anywhere, and they can even be used to highlight walkways. Areas around the front door and porch should also be lighted. Don’t forget to use lighting to highlight areas of the exterior that you want to feature in your listing.

7. Take a Final Look

Once you have implemented these steps for adding curb appeal, you’ll want to step into your buyer’s shoes for a final look. Does your listing look inviting? Buyers are looking for a home that conveys a peaceful atmosphere. Is your home one that buyers can see themselves appreciating as a relaxing haven?

An inviting home is also one that will encourage people to leave their car to get a closer look. Make sure that everything about the exterior is balanced and in order. A well-maintained home gives the impression of a well-maintained life.

These 7 tips for boosting curb appeal can help you sell your home quicker, and the offers you receive may be higher than what you anticipated. The small investment you make in improving curb appeal will reap a substantial reward.

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