Small Business 10 Books Recommended by the best Entrepreneurs of the World Posted on July 14, 2017 15 min read 0 3,940 Books have the power to help people realize their dreams, maximize their potential. A good reading can change your life. Below are the 10 books recommended by global entrepreneurs. 1.- THE ONE THING by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan THEY ARE CONCENTRATING IN ONE THING AT A TIME, THOSE WHO ARE ADVANCING IN THIS WORLD – Og Mandino. This book was number one in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and USA Today certainly should be a good read. Find out what matters and concentrate your energy properly. When you start a business, a new activity or an idea that involves risk or that you are not sure, it is very easy to deviate from the goal. THE ONE THING is perfect in helping you make a plan of what you want to achieve and keep you in direct line towards the goal. If you look at the people or companies that have achieved what they wanted, they are known by only one thing. Steve Jobs founded by Apple, one of the companies that has made the most money in the world and is known by only one thing, which in turn is the most important. The book is cataloged as an excellent read, not only for your business, but also for any goal you want to achieve in life. Quotation from the Book: “Extraordinary results require concentration, attention and time. Time for one thing means there is no time for something else ” Realize what is the ONLY THING in your life that you want and struggle to reach it. 2.- THE MAGIC OF THINKING GREAT by David Schwartz. BELIEVE YOU ARE GOING TO TRIUMPHATE AND THAT WILL BE. If you want to do more and reach higher goals then you have to learn to think properly. Quote from the Book: “Case by case in history prove that the size of your bank account, the size of your happiness, the size of your overall satisfaction depends on how big you think.” Starting a business is a lot of work to say the least, and having a vision of how far you can go, how big you can be and how many people you can reach, will depend on your thoughts. A strong and complete faith in something, will activate in your mind the ability to work through difficulties and overcoming the barriers. Belief in triumph is basic, an absolutely essential ingredient in those who achieve their goals. In this book you will learn how to think and stay positive when there are difficult times. You will also learn that you do not need to be the smartest or the most talented to be a winner. 3.- THE ALCHEMIST of Paulo Coelho It is the possibility that a dream is realized what makes life interesting. This will probably not help you with technicalities in your business, but it will make you feel confident that you are on the right path Spencer Johnson, a well acclaimed author, describes the book: A Universal Wisdom Business Fable that we can apply to the business of our lives. When you are passionate and enthusiastic you can be sure to succeed. We have all inherited different talents, interests and abilities and in the realization of them it says the meaning of life. In this book you will learn to be sure that you are behind the correct goal. It will not only reassure you, it will inspire you. 4.- THE BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne. The Blue Ocean strategy calls on companies to break with the bloody red ocean of competition, which places competition on something unimportant A book that changes everything that you thought you knew was necessary strategy to reach your goals. Developing new ideas, creating a virgin market, your business is sure to flourish. In this book you will learn how to make competition irrelevant, and how to build and diversify your product, while helping you to know that you could not be available to consumers or present your product or service in a different way making it more desirable, different And that can not be acquired elsewhere. READ 5 Golden Investment Tips By Warren Buffett5. CONSCIOUS CAPITALISM (CONSCIOUS CAPITALISM) by John Mackey and Raj Sisodia. The longest journey to do is the 18-inch journey between your head and your heart. A book of values, purpose, leadership and management. In this book you will learn how to build a valuable and respectable business while improving society as a whole. With tips on how to have a permanent success and become a great entrepreneur. Learn to put a goal ahead of everything and unite the needs of society with your passion 6. THRIVE (Thriving despite difficulties) author Arianna Huffington. THRIVE Redefines the concept of success of being not only the acquisition of power and money but the achievement of your dreams and passions. Many people make their way to a corporation only to realize that they are not happy when they have reached the top. After collapsing due to exhaustion, the author questions What is the taste of success? Learn to use your time well to give first place to what is most important in your life and work toward what you really want to achieve. 7.- CONTAGIOUS (Contagious) author Jonah Berger. Find out why some people talk about certain products and not others. Why some things are popular and why they become viral. The best part of this book is that it is not matched by advertising. The author talks about how things spread by word of mouth and how social influence can shape your product or business. Through statistical research and real-life stories CONTAGIOUS will give you a new point of view on how to make your ideas come true. JONAH BERGER KNOWS HOW TO MAKE THE INFORMATION BECOME VIRAL BETTER THAN NOBODY IN THE WORLD. Daniel Gilbert. 8.- FINDING YOUR WAY IN A WILD NEW WORLD by Martha Beck. Forbes ranked as one of the top 7 business books to read. If you are lost, aimless, not knowing what to do or which road to take or which is the next move, this is the book you should read. With a call to a higher vocation and the desire to know what you really should be doing in this life, the book allows you to find a surprising path to the most important discovery: THE KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT YOU SHOULD BE DOING WITH YOUR UNIQUE, WILD AND VALUABLE LIFE. 9.- ENCHANTMENT (Enchantment) by Guy Kawasaki. ENCHANTMENT teaches you how to make others show you their innermost desires and make a lasting impact on their lives with your product or service. ENCHANTMENT can occur in a retail transaction, in a high-level corporate deal, in a Facebook update And done correctly is more powerful than the traditional persuasion, influence or marketing techniques. 10.- CRUSH IT (REALIZALO) by Gary Vaynerchuk. Everything from playing cards to knitting, Gary Vaynerchuk will teach you how to create an online business of any hobby. This book is cataloged as the most important guide of management of the modern company. In this book Gary describes the triumph based on your happiness, not on your economic entrance. HE WHO TRIUMPHTS IS THAT HE FEELS HAPPY. Get up in the morning and feel happy to go to work because you are going to do things that are the ones you like the most in this world.
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